Sunday 16 March 2014

Raising awareness

I had a coccygectomy in November 2013 and joined a support group through Facebook, which was a lifeline for me before, during and throughout my long convalescence over this winter.
Every illness impacts on one's life, some more than others and we all deal with our problems differently, but coccydinia and the coccygectomy are little known and rarely researched by medics. The general public relate to it by referring to your rear end and it so very often becomes the subject of jokes, titters and sadly sometimes even rebukes. Many GPs don't know anything about it and fob you off with anti-inflammatories and sick notes.
Sitting is what we all do to eat, relax, work and play, so being in pain in that position affects so many daily activities. We need to raise awareness of this debilitating complaint by sharing the Facebook group "COCCYX PAIN SUPPORT GROUP" with our medics, through journalists and the media.

Saturday 15 March 2014

March 15

I have been so absent. Sorry for the readers. Well all is well! It is four months since the operation. I am now sitting normally, just a little tenderness when I lean back. I have started driving, no problem. I flew to the Canaries in February and had little discomfort. No donut! I am swimming twice a week now, hoping to get to a mile a week, I am at a half mile at present. I am walking, standing, sitting on anything! I am getting my life back!
J'ai été si absente. Pardon aux lecteurs. Eh bien, tout va bien. Cela fait 4 mois depuis l'opération. Je m'assieds normalement, juste un peu tendre quand je m'adosse. J'ai recommencé la conduite sans problème. Je suis allée aux Îles Canaries en février et ai éprouvé peu de douleur. Pas de coussin! Je nage deux fois par semaine, je suis arrivée à 1300m cette semaine. Je marche, je reste debout, je m'assieds sur tout! Je regagne ma vie!